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If you’re a beast at what you do, we have the domain to match. Or if you just want a wacky, affordable domain, we can work with that. We’re not here to judge.

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He’s Been Missing for Decades. You Can Help Us Find Him.

.Monster cares. That’s why we’re spreading the word about this cause that is close to our hearts. Read on to learn how you can help.

We don’t know exactly when he went missing, but we’ve been trying to find him for years with no success. Despite numerous sightings and glimpses in photographs, Bigfoot is still out there. He’s anywhere from 7 to 9 feet tall, covered in fur, and answers to the name “Bigfoot” or “Sasquatch.” We’re concerned about his health and well-being, out there all by himself, so we’ve decided to tap into the power of crowdfunding to help us find him.

We’ve launched an ambitious GoFundMe campaign called Find Bigfoot through which we hope to raise as much as… Read More

Find Bigfoot>